Welcome cocktail

It’s an ancient tradition in Trieste to go downtown after work to unwind, meet friends and have a drink before dinner. Far from breaking traditions, we’ll celebrate it by hosting a little cocktail hour (a “bicchierata” in localspeak) where wines and cocktail food will be served in the magnificent ambiance of the “big square”.

Friday September 19, 2008 @ 7pm
Audace Cafe
Piazza Dell’ Unita’ d’Italia, 3/a

Wedding ceremony

The wedding will take place at the private chapel of Villa Revoltella, the 19th century residence of Barone Revoltella, a fairly important person at the time. This is the same church where Paolo’s parents were married in 1959 and we’ll try to take the same pictures they had 49 years before, just to compare the dresses and suits, of course.

Saturday, September 20, 2008 @ 5pm
Private Chapel of Villa Revoltella
Via De Marchesetti, 37

The wedding chapel, from orbit

The wedding chapel, from orbit

The wedding party in 1959


After the ceremony, the couple will leave to take pictures by the sea and the party will move to Basovizza, a little town in the hills between Trieste and Slovenia, where the dinner reception will be held in a typical local trattoria (or “gostilna” in Slovenian).

Saturday, September 20, 2008 after the ceremony
Trattoria Leban
Via Gruden, 53 – Basovizza


The day after the ceremony, Sunday, we’d like to have all our guests to join us for a daytrip to romantic Venice. We’ll take the train in the morning, visit the key places in the sinking city, buy souvenirs and blown glass and just have a good time altogether.

From there, everyone will be free to proceed on their Italian vacation as they please. The newly wedded couple will part for Paris for a well deserved honeymoon between pret a porter, brasseries and croissants.